Hey ladies! I wanted to include an un-linked page for you to reference whenever you'd like in order to help explain how to use your website. For starters, please CLICK HERE to watch a video that goes over the very basics of your website setup. It's important that you watch this video first before the others, so that you have a background of how everything works. :) Then, once you're ready to watch the other videos, you can click through them below. They are labeled according to the page they're about, but I'd encourage you to watch them in order!

01. Home

02. About

03. Portfolio

04. Services

05. Contact

06. Press (Make sure image thumbnails are 500 x 335 pixels and that the logos fit onto a 392 x 75 pixel canvas)

If you have any other questions, feel free to browse the support forums RIGHT HERE. What you need will more than likely be housed there. :) — Bre